Saturday 28 January 2012

Net design 1

This is my first draft of my final net design, I created this design using a mixture of Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop elements 8, Microsoft paint and pencil drawing by hand. I started off by designing my logo, which I drew out many different potential designs for, in many styles and eventually decided upon the logo used on this net which I drew out in HB pencil then scanned in to my computer. Once I had scanned in the logo, I proceeded to outline and colour the logo using Adobe Photoshop elements 8. I created the net outline using Adobe Illustrator, but first I designed it by hand and tested it out to make sure that the net would work. Once I was certain that my net worked well, I started to experiment with different styles and designs that I could possibly use, in the end I decided that a bright background with my company logo on top would be the best design for my packaging because it looked very interesting and represented my shop well. I opened the net design in Adobe Photoshop and proceeded to fill the background with two bright colours, I tried out Pink and green at first but it didn't contrast with the logo design colour scheme well enough, I then tried Yellow and purple but it looked too bright and the yellow didn't really work well for the company image, I finally tried blue and pink, which I really liked the look of so started to experiment with combinations of many different shades of these two colours. Once I had found a colour combination that I liked, I moved on to create the actual design of my net for my t-shirt shaped box. I inserted my logo in many different sizes on the top half of the net in a pattern which I thought looked quite interesting/appealing. I then copied and rotated the pattern of logos and placed them on the bottom half of my net design. Once I had done so, I proceeded to open the design so far in Adobe elements 8 and started with my background design. I used the paintbrush tool to create dots and splodges upon the net design, I also created a layer with quite a low opacity so that I could fill in the blue outlines that can be seen on the design around each of my logos. I edited the colours so that they became a lot darker, then filled in certain spaces with a light colour which stood out and created a sort of neon effect upon the piece. 

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