Saturday 28 January 2012

Final Project Evaluation

For my retail graphics project I had to come up with an idea for a shop, I decided to do a clothing shop as I shop most in clothing stores therefore would have a better idea of what to do for the project.
I am very fond of punk-clothing shops, particularly those in Camden so decided to do a punk-clothing store inspired by some of the brands that I visit/buy from often. For the project I had to design a logo for my company, packaging for my company and a swing-tag for my company.
These had to represent the shop well and my designs had to be memorable and interesting at the same time.
I decided to call my shop "Dead Bunny" because there are many very popular punk clothing stores that use the name of dead or evil animals and they seem to have a lot of success (bye bye kitty, hell bunny etc.) The design of my logo is a skull with rabbit ears which represents the name of the company as skulls represent death and being dead and the rabbit ears on the skull represent the bunny being dead.
I used bright, neon-like colours and black because they are the sort of colours used on items in my punk-clothing shop, therefore they match and it represents the image and the products of the company well rather than being a complete contrast to what is actually sold as that would be confusing/misleading for customers.

My packaging design evolved as I was going through the process of experimentation and development, my net design was inspired by what is sold in my company's shop, it's a clothing store so I decided to make it in the shape of a t-shirt as it seemed an interesting yet rather simplistic shape to use. During my initial experimentation I used many different materials and techniques to try and make my net design look interesting and creative. I started researching punk clothing stores online and found a shop called Underground, I really liked the style and design of this shop, I'm not sure which artist designed it, I tried to look it up online but couldn't find anything. I used the idea of having the colour scheme of black and red on my final packaging design, I also decided to add photographic elements to the piece because I found the work of Martha Robertson and Alfonso Sotelo rather interesting as I felt that the photographs used on their packaging design had an effective and memorable look.

My swing-tag design has one new designed element and other "recycled" (reused from other sections of the project) elements involved. I decided to give my swing-tag many layers as it makes it more interesting to look at and gives the design more depth. The front layer is of a hand and it has the company logo on it and sizing information about the garment purchased. The other layers are things that I have previously used in the project, a lightning bolt from my packaging design, the "Rock" from the "Rock on!" design on my packaging, the front t-shirt shaped section of my packaging design and my designed logo. Because all of these elements link to what has already been created during the product, the swing-tag clearly matches the design of my other designs for my store which makes them look like they are supposed to go with one another.

I think my packaging design was very good as it was interesting and memorable, however I feel that the actual packaging itself could have been better, I could have added more tabs to make sure that there are no gaps between the edges and I could have made the flap that opens, bigger so as to gain easier access to the contents inside.

Overall I felt that this was a very interesting project that allowed me to explore some rather interesting techniques that I probably wouldn't have explored beforehand, now however I feel that I may like to complete more packaging in the future, I think that it's a fun project to work on that gains very interesting results. 

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