Saturday 28 January 2012

Final packaging design

This is my final box design, I think it came out quite well, the box folded together well and the design looks very effective. I designed this box so that it would be in the shape of a t-shirt, the curved handle is representative of the neck of the t-shirt. The only thing that I would change about this box would be to add tabs to the pull out section where the box opens. The colours on my box contrast well and the edited photographs look very effective. If I received an item of clothing in a box like this, I would want to see the rest of the products from the company as the design is memorable and captures my attention. I like the contrast between hand-drawn elements, computer-made elements and photographic elements as the combination of the different types of design upon this box look really interesting and effective once put together. The brightly coloured elements atop a dark background cause the colours to stand out more and appear brighter and more eye-catching. Overall I think that the making of my packaging went well however there could be some extra tabs used and the cutting of the edges could be neater.

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