Friday 27 January 2012

Initial experimentation

These are my initial ideas for my logo, I experimented with a number of different techniques and styles. I used oil pastels, pencil on graph paper, ink, coloured pencil and pencil. My favourite of these is the ink, I think it looks very interesting and could be a good way of designing my logo. I have used the name "Death Bunny" though looking at it now, because the "bunnies" look dead rather than evil, perhaps "Dead Bunny" would be a better name. I think that the pencil on graph paper is a very interesting idea as it only allows for straight lines, but still looks interesting even with it's simplicity, I may include something like this is my final design. The oil pastels, I don't think looked that great, they seem a bit messy and big. I think that the pencil designs looks rather effective, however if I were to create my design using pencil, I would want to edit the designed piece using a computer programme such as Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator.

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