Friday 27 January 2012

Retail MindMap

This is the mind-map we came up with in class on the Whiteboard. The mind-map includes everybody's ideas/possible ideas for their shop. It includes Shop Ideas such as "Music shop", "Game shop", "Book shop" etc. Target Audience such as "Young adults", "Party-goers", "Luxury market" etc. Possible name ideas such as "Okashi", "Rusty Needle", "Melody" etc. and Packaging ideas such as "ring box", "carton", "shoe box"etc. My own Shop idea was "Punk clothing shop" which I chose because they are the sort of shops that I spend the most time in and therefore know the most about and can easily research for inspiration. My Target Audience was "Punks" as that is who punk clothing is going to appeal to, this style of product is usually aimed at teenagers and young adults so it would probably be a better idea to aim my shop at Teenage/young adult Punks/wearers of alternative clothing. My Possible name idea was "I hate my life" however I do have other ideas such as "Underground Outfitters", "Death Bunny", "Electric Threads"and "AlTeRnAtIvE." My Packaging idea was a "bag" however I could also use name-tags, boxes(for shoes/jewellery etc.), gift-wrap etc.

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