Friday, 27 January 2012

Logo analysis

This is the logo for Cyberdog, a popular alternative clothing shop that sells all different types of clothing, bags, shoes, accessories and gifts that glow under UV lighting. This shop has only two branches, one in Camden and one in Brighton, yet it is famous worldwide for it's space-age feel, loud music and specialist lighting in the store, mannequins made up of wires and robotic parts and very unique set of products that cannot be bought elsewhere. The logo is a graphic of a robotic dog which represents the name of the company. The version of the logo which can be seen above has both graph and typographic elements as it has the image of the robotic-dog and the word "Cyberdog" written beneath, however on products that this company sells, only the graphic of the robotic-dog is actually used and not the Typographic beneath. The logo is very basic/simple in design which makes it easier to reproduce on mass, even though it's simple, the logo is very effective and looks interesting/unusual. The company use this logo on all of their products as well as being displayed around the store all over the walls/floor/mannequins, on clothing tags, on packaging, on the shop front and displayed on the massive robots that stand either side of the entrance to the store. The typeface used has been designed in way that looks like it has been made up of small squares, pixel by pixel, similar to the style of early computer games such as space-invaders which reinforces the space-age design of the store. The colours used on the main logo are a black background, blue for the robotic-dog, oranges and pink on the left side of the robotic-dog and green for the text. The black used for the background represents the darkness/blackness of space. The blue used for the robotic-dog is used as it contrasts well with the dark background and has a metallic feel to it. The orange and pink use on the left-hand side of the robotic-dog design represent wires and electricity/power flower through the design and giving the image power. The bright-green used for the typographic is representative of the early computer games in which bright green, blocky graphics were placed on a black-background. When the logo is placed upon different products/items, the colours are often changed/manipulated to the colour scheme of that product to aid the design. I think that this logo is very successful as it is both simple and complex, involves a lot of interesting colours, represents the company name and brand well and looks very interesting. The target audience for this logo are the people who shop for punk/alternative clothing and accessories  in places like Camden Loch, Camden Market and Brighton, the majority of these people are punk, goth, alternative etc. I feel that this logo appeals to the target audience well as it is bright and eye-catching as well as being a dark, unusual, space-age design. This logo could influence me when I design my own logo, I could include a dark background with bright colours overlaid or a pixel-inspired font in my own logo-design.

This is the logo for hell bunny, it is bold, simple and memorable. This logo is both graphical and typographical as it involves both image and text. The typeface is Serif and is bold, each letter does not match in size/height to the others which gives a hand-drawn feel to the text. This logo has a graphic, the graphic is of an evil rabbit atop crossbones which represents the name of the company "Hell bunny". The company uses the logo on clothing, packaging, labels, shop-fronts, advertisements, bags etc. The same colours are always used on this logo, "black and red" the empty, white space is generally filled with whatever colour the background of the item the logo is upon. The logo includes the name of the company and an image that represents that name. This logo is simple as it is memorable and easy to reproduce. This a very successful logo as it works very well and sticks in your mind.The target audience for this logo is anybody who wants to buy female punk clothing. This could cause me to make my logo simpler and more bold.
This is the logo for Criminal damage, it's a typographical logo as it only involves text. The typeface varies between serif and sans serif and is created in a way that makes it look like it's been scratched/carved out of something, this logo looks hand-drawn/edited, each letter is a different height and at a different angle and well as the size of each letter varying. The company  he company uses the logo on clothing, packaging, labels, shop-fronts, advertisements, bags etc. There's never colour used on this logo, it's always in black as black is a dark, bold colour which is easy to see and is dark which helps to represent the type of clothing the company sells. The logo includes the name of the company. This logo is very easy to reproduce and is simple in design yet effective. This logo is successful and it's simple but memorable, however it's not a very interesting logo. This could influence me to create a typographical logo.
This is the logo for Bye -Bye Kitty, it's a typographical and graphical logo and it includes an image and text. The typeface is sans-serif and is cold and in a hand-written style.  The company  he company uses the logo on clothing, packaging, labels, shop-fronts, advertisements, bags etc. This logo varies in colour and design, any colour can be used for this logo as it is constantly reproduced in many different colours upon many different garments/items. This logo has a graphic of a dead cat with a skull-ribbon atop it's head, evil eyes, fangs and cross bones. This represents the name of the company. The logo includes the name of the company and a graphic that represents the name. The logo is simple and very easy to reproduce, it is also memorable. This is a successful logo as it is easily reproduced, simple yet effective and memorable and it represents the company well. This could influence me to create a logo that includes both graphical and typographical elements.

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