Tuesday 6 March 2012

Trip work

A quick observational sketch created using a black biro, of a building sitting upon the river Thames. I filled the background with patterns and distorted the building slightly in an attempt of trying out a simplified version of Lizzie Mary Cullen's work.

Yet another observational sketch in biro, this time using blue instead of black. This was a quick basic drawing of a clock that sits atop a building by the river Thames.

A collection of observational sketches of things in and around London's Southbank.

We were given guide books as we entered the exhibition and there was a point where  we had the opportunity  to emboss a page of the book with phrases that were related to the exhibition.

These are a selection of phrases from around the exhibition, I  took the phrases and wrote them out in fonts that I feel represent each phrase.

This is a phrase made up by myself, I left this piece of typography on a notice board at college.

This is a map of the United Kingdom, it is filled with images and words that represent my relationship with different areas of the UK.

There was a tiny, metal stick man outside a set of glass doors at the exhibition, this is my drawing of that stick man.

These are observational sketches of stuff around London's southbank. One is typography made out of lighting tubes and the other is of a ceramic egg.

A sketch of ceramic flip-flops from the exhibition.

A quick sketch of a piece of work from the exhibition, I found this piece very humorous,

Another quick sketch of a piece of work from the exhibition, this piece was amusing and memorable as well as being created in a very simplistic style.

1 comment:

  1. well done! the drawings you created on the trip look great and it's clear that you pushed yourself and completed all the tasks fully!
