Tuesday 6 March 2012

Ana Serrano analysis

This is a piece by the artist Ana Serrano, it is a Doughnut shop front made out of card and paper as well as having a photographic element to it as well. I really like how the artist has tried to capture an object from life and recreate it in a smaller scale. The photographs on the windows give the illusion that there is actually an inside to this shop  and makes it look more realistic and like an actual scene from life. This piece has a very handmade feel to it, you can tell that each piece has been cut out and stuck together by hand and the sign upon the roof which says "fresh donuts open all night" is written by hand. It's obvious that a lot of care and effort has been put into this piece of work as each small section of this piece has been made separately and arranged/stuck together to form the finished product. I am not certain whether this doughnut shop really exists or whether the artist created the design of the shop herself for the sole purpose of creating this piece. This piece could inspire me to create something similar during my exam, I am particularly inspired by the mixture of paper construction elements and photographic elements.

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