Wednesday 7 March 2012

Final paper installation

This is my group's final paper installation, it took us roughly three hours to create.  I think that this is a very interesting technique that can be interpreted in many different ways. A broad range of techniques have been used to create this paper installation, some parts of this piece have been created in 2D and some in 3D, some are brightly coloured, some are not so bright in colour, some details have been drawn on, some details have been cut out and stuck on. This mixture of techniques used makes the piece more interesting to look at which makes it very memorable. I particularly like the trees/bushes in the piece as they have been created by scrunching up tissue paper which gives a somewhat realistic effect. The only downside to this piece is that there is a lot of empty space which I believe needs to be filled to make the piece a lot more interesting, however there are a number of unusual and inventive techniques used which I think could be developed further.

1 comment:

  1. The paper installation your were involved in creating looks great but remember you were asked to review your installation also - see the
    blog post for this lesson to help you with this.
