Sunday 26 February 2012

In-depth analysis

Lizzie Mary Cullen-Chinatown
This piece is an illustration drawn in what looks like a mixture of fine-liner and ink, the style of this piece is incredibly detailed, rather surreal and monotonous. This entire piece is full of tiny details and intricate patterns which make it very interesting to look at and also makes this a very memorable piece of work as the amount of effort put into it is very clear, especially since it appears to have been drawn completely by hand. I really like the look of the surrealism in this piece, all the objects drawn in this piece appear to be warped which makes the piece very unusual and eye-catching, I would really like to do something similar in style to this piece for my final piece. The lack of colour in this piece gives it a dark, eerie feel which makes it very intriguing to look at.
This was drawn by an illustrator called Lizzie Mary Cullen, the majority of her work is created in this style, though she has produced some work in colour but I prefer the black and white drawings as they have a more mysterious feel to them. This piece is entitled "Chinatown" as it is an illustration of China town, I am assuming the china town in London as that is where Lizzie Mary Cullen is from. This piece is very complex and full of shading and detail, I think this my favourite illustration I have found so far on this course, it is created in a style that I find very memorable and interesting and I would really like to have a go at creating a piece like this.

Hennie Haworth- Buildings 1
This piece is entitled "Buildings 1" as it is the first of a set of illustrations drawn of buildings, the title is simple just like the style of the image itself which suits the piece. This piece appears to have been drawn in what looks like chalk pastels and either fine-liners or felt-tip pens, I really like the look of these pastels as they can be blended together to create tone and shadow as well as new shades and interesting effects and the contrast between the pen drawn sections and the pastel colour sections looks very effective and is rather unusual which makes this piece very memorable.The colours used in this piece are very bright which makes it eye-catching, I really like the look of the bright colours used, this piece could inspire me to use a mix of pen illustration and other mediums to create a contrast of bright and dark colours in my final pieces. This piece has been created by hand by a woman called "Hennie Haworth". She lives and works in London and studied illustration at Brighton university and now has a very extensive list of clients including Elle magazine, The Observer and Nickelodeon.This piece has a bright, happy feel to it which makes me think that it would would be suited as an illustration in a childrens' book or something similar.

David Ryan Robinson- Map of London (West)This piece is by "David Ryan Robinson" he is a an illustrator who lives and works in London, he attended the university of Salford and got first class BA (hons) in illustration and has many past clients including The times, EDF energy and sport relief, he is currently working as a designer for Cartoon Network as Turner enterprises. This piece appears to have been drawn entirely by hand using what looks to be blur biro, it is full of tiny details and shading and tone which makes it a very interesting and memorable piece as it is so complex and the amount of effort put into this piece of work is very clear. This piece has a touch of surrealism to it as among all the houses and roads and trees upon this map, there are cartoon characters of David Ryan Robinson's own design peeking out from random spaces and hidden within the piece which gives the viewer of the piece something to search for. I really like the style of this piece, it could influence me to create my own final pieces using biro, small details and hidden surreal elements.

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